Source code for omnipresence.plugins.wwwjdic

# -*- coding: utf-8
# -*- test-case-name: omnipresence.plugins.wwwjdic.test_wwwjdic
"""Event plugins for searching WWWJDIC."""

import re
import urllib

from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from twisted.web.client import readBody
    from waapuro import romanize
except ImportError:
    romanize = None

from ...message import collapse
from ...plugin import EventPlugin, UserVisibleError
from ...web.html import parse as parse_html
from ...web.http import default_agent

#: A regex for identifying pronunciations in a JDIC entry, if present.
PRONUNCIATIONS_RE = re.compile(ur'\[([^\]]+)\]')

#: A regex for identifying markings at the end of a kana pronunciation.
MARKINGS_RE = re.compile(ur'(?:\([^)]+\))+$')

[docs]class Default(EventPlugin): u"""Define a Japanese word or phrase using `Jim Breen's WWWJDIC`__. __ If `Waapuro`__ is installed, Nihon-shiki romanizations are provided alongside the kana spellings. __ :alice: wwwjdic kotoba :bot: 言葉(P);詞;辞 [ことば (kotoba) (P); けとば (ketoba) (言葉)(ok)] (n) (1) (See 言語) language; dialect; (2) (See 単語) word; words; phrase; term; expression; remark; (3) speech; (manner of) speaking; (P) (+28 more) """ def __init__(self): self.agent = default_agent self.romanize = romanize @inlineCallbacks def on_command(self, msg): if not msg.content: raise UserVisibleError('Please specify a search query.') q = urllib.quote_plus(msg.content) response = yield self.agent.request('GET', '{}'.format(q)) content = yield readBody(response) soup = parse_html(content) results = [] if not soup.pre: returnValue(results) for result in soup.pre.string.strip().splitlines(): if not result.strip(): continue # Find the kana pronunciations and add their romanizations. if self.romanize: match = if match is None: pronunciations = result.split(None, 1)[0] start = 0 end = len(pronunciations) else: pronunciations = start = match.start(1) end = match.end(1) pronunciations = pronunciations.split(u';') with_romanizations = [] for pronunciation in pronunciations: match = if match is not None: pronunciation = pronunciation[:match.start()] with_romanizations.append( pronunciation + u' (' + self.romanize(pronunciation) + u')' + (u'' if match is None else u' ' + result = (result[:start] + u'; '.join(with_romanizations) + result[end:]) # Strip off the trailing slash for the last gloss, then # replace the first slash with nothing and the remaining # ones with semicolons, in an approximation of the Web # interface. result = result[:-1].strip() result = result.replace(u'/', u'', 1) result = result.replace(u'/', u'; ') results.append(result) returnValue(results) def on_cmdhelp(self, msg): return collapse("""\ \x1Fquery\x1F - Look up a Japanese word or phrase in Jim Breen's WWWJDIC <>. """)