Source code for omnipresence.plugins.vndb

# -*- test-case-name: omnipresence.plugins.vndb.test_vndb
"""Event plugins for searching the Visual Novel Database."""

import urllib
from urlparse import urljoin

from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from twisted.web.client import readBody

from ...message import collapse
from ...plugin import EventPlugin, UserVisibleError
from ...web.html import parse as parse_html, textify
from ...web.http import default_agent

[docs]class Default(EventPlugin): u"""Look up a visual novel title on the `Visual Novel Database`__. __ :brian: vndb ever17 :bot: \u2014 **Ever17 -The Out of Infinity-**, first release 2002-08-29 \u2014 rated 8.71 (3763) (+1 more) """ def __init__(self): self.agent = default_agent @inlineCallbacks def on_command(self, msg): if not msg.content: raise UserVisibleError('Please specify a search query.') q = urllib.quote_plus(msg.content) response = yield self.agent.request( 'GET', '{}'.format(q)) content = yield readBody(response) soup = parse_html(content) # TODO: Implement page navigation. results = [] vnbrowse = soup.find('div', 'vnbrowse') if vnbrowse: # either zero results, or more than one result # Don't recurse into children, to avoid picking up the row # contained within the <thead> element. for row in vnbrowse.table('tr', recursive=False): row_data = row('td') vn = {'url': urljoin(response.request.absoluteURI, row_data[0].a['href']), 'title': textify(row_data[0].a), 'release_date': textify(row_data[3])} alt_title = row_data[0].a['title'] if alt_title != vn['title']: vn['alt_title'] = alt_title rating = textify(row_data[5], format_output=False) if not rating.startswith(u'0.00'): vn['rating'] = rating results.append(vn) else: # single result, redirecting to an individual VN page data = soup.find('div', id='maincontent') vn = {'url': response.request.absoluteURI, 'title': textify(data.find('h1')), 'release_date': textify(data.find('td', 'tc1'))} alt_title = data.find('h2', 'alttitle') if alt_title: vn['alt_title'] = textify(alt_title) votestats = data.find('div', 'votestats') if votestats: rating = textify(votestats('p')[-1]) rating = rating.rsplit(None, 1)[-1] votes = textify(votestats.tfoot.find('td', colspan='2')) votes = votes.split(None, 1)[0] vn['rating'] = u'{0} ({1})'.format(rating, votes) results.append(vn) messages = [] for vn in results: message = u'{} \u2014 \x02{}\x02'.format(vn['url'], vn['title']) if 'alt_title' in vn: message += u' (\x02{}\x02)'.format(vn['alt_title']) if vn['release_date'] != u'TBA': message += u', first release ' + vn['release_date'] if 'rating' in vn: message += u' \u2014 rated ' + vn['rating'] messages.append(message) returnValue(messages) def on_cmdhelp(self, msg): return collapse("""\ \x1Ftitle\x1F - Search the Visual Novel Database <> for visual novels with the given title. """)