Source code for omnipresence.plugins.mstranslate

# -*- test-case-name: omnipresence.plugins.mstranslate.test_mstranslate
"""Event plugins for Microsoft Translator."""

import json
import re
    from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from StringIO import StringIO
import time
import urllib

from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from twisted.web.client import readBody
from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers

from ...plugin import EventPlugin, UserVisibleError
from ...web.http import default_agent, read_json_body

#: The default target language to use if neither the user nor the plugin
#: configuration specifies one.

#: A regular expression matching a well-formed argument string.
ARGS_RE = re.compile(
    ur'^(?:(?P<from>[^: ]+):)?(?P<text>.+?)(?:\s+(?P<to>[^: ]+):)?$',

#: The URL of the Microsoft Cognitive Services Authentication Token API.

#: The lifetime, in seconds, of an authentication token.
# This isn't provided to us in the authentication response.  The docs at
# <> give a lifetime
# of 10 minutes, but recommend obtaining a new token every 8.

#: The URL of the Microsoft Translator Text Translation API.  The format
#: template item is replaced with the operation.

def default_target(msg):
    """Return the default target specified in the settings for *msg*, or
    `DEFAULT_TARGET` if none is set."""
    return msg.settings.get('mstranslate.default_target',

[docs]class Default(EventPlugin): """Translate text between languages with Microsoft Translator. The ``mstranslate.subscription_key`` :ref:`settings variable <settings-variable>` must be set to a valid Microsoft Cognitive Services subscription key. For more information, see the `Text Translation API documentation`__. __ The ``mstranslate.default_target`` settings variable is an optional two-letter language code specifying the target language to use if the user does not specify one. It defaults to ``en`` for English. :alice: mstranslate hola :bot: Hello :alice: mstranslate hola de: :bot: Hallo """ def __init__(self): self.agent = default_agent #: The set of valid language codes. self.languages = None # TODO: For strictly correct per-channel request behavior, the # following properties need to be keyed on the settings venue. #: The bot's Microsoft Cognitive Services subscription key. self.subscription_key = None #: The last authentication token obtained, or `None` if none has #: been requested yet. self.auth_token = None #: The timestamp at which `auth_token` expires. self.token_expiry = -1 @inlineCallbacks def obtain_auth_token(self): """Return a valid Microsoft Cognitive Services authentication token, obtained with the current subscription key if necessary. """ start_time = time.time() if self.auth_token is None or self.token_expiry < start_time: headers = Headers() headers.addRawHeader('Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key', self.subscription_key) headers.addRawHeader('Content-Length', '0') response = yield self.agent.request( 'POST', AUTH_URL, headers=headers) if response.code != 200: data = yield readBody(response) self.log.error( 'Could not authenticate to Microsoft Cognitive ' 'Services: {data}', data=data) raise UserVisibleError( 'Could not authenticate to Microsoft Cognitive ' 'Services. Try again later.') # Coerce the access token to a byte string to avoid problems # inside Twisted's header handling code down the line. self.auth_token = ( (yield readBody(response)).strip().decode('ascii')) self.token_expiry = start_time + AUTH_TOKEN_TTL returnValue(self.auth_token) @inlineCallbacks def call_endpoint(self, operation, params=None): """Make a request to the Microsoft Translator API endpoint with the given operation and parameters, and return the body of the response.""" auth_token = yield self.obtain_auth_token() headers = Headers() headers.addRawHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + auth_token) url = TRANSLATOR_URL.format(operation) if params is not None: url += '?' + urllib.urlencode(sorted(params.iteritems())) response = yield self.agent.request('GET', url, headers=headers) returnValue(json.loads((yield readBody(response)).decode('utf-8-sig'))) @inlineCallbacks def initialize(self, msg): if self.subscription_key is None: self.subscription_key = msg.settings.get( 'mstranslate.subscription_key') if self.subscription_key is None: self.log.error( 'No Microsoft Cognitive Services subscription key ' 'has been specified in the Omnipresence settings. ' 'Set the "mstranslate.subscription_key" variable ' 'to a valid key, and reload the bot settings.') raise UserVisibleError( 'Could not authenticate to Microsoft Cognitive Services.') if self.languages is None: self.languages = frozenset(( yield self.call_endpoint('GetLanguagesForTranslate'))) @inlineCallbacks def on_command(self, msg): yield self.initialize(msg) if not msg.content: raise UserVisibleError('Please specify a string to translate.') match = ARGS_RE.match(msg.content.decode(msg.encoding, 'replace')) if match is None: raise UserVisibleError("Couldn't parse argument string.") params = {'to': default_target(msg)} text ='text') source ='from') target ='to') # Check the validity of the source language code. if source is not None: if source in self.languages: params['from'] = source else: text = u'{}:{}'.format(source, text) # Same for the target language code. if target is not None: if target in self.languages: params['to'] = target else: text = u'{} {}:'.format(text, target) params['text'] = text.encode('utf-8').strip() if not params['text']: raise UserVisibleError('Please specify a string to translate.') translation = yield self.call_endpoint('Translate', params) if 'Exception:' in translation: raise IOError(translation.encode(errors='replace')) returnValue(translation) @inlineCallbacks def on_cmdhelp(self, msg): if msg.content == 'languages': yield self.initialize(msg) language_names = yield self.call_endpoint('GetLanguageNames', { 'languageCodes': json.dumps(list(self.languages)), 'locale': default_target(msg)}) if not language_names: returnValue(u'No supported languages were found.') codes_to_names = zip(self.languages, language_names) lang_list = u', '.join(u'\x02{}\x02 ({})'.format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(codes_to_names)) returnValue(u'Supported languages: {}.'.format(lang_list)) returnValue(u'[\x1Fsource\x1F\x02:\x02]\x1Ftext\x1F ' u'[\x1Ftarget\x1F\x02:\x02] - Translate text using ' u'Microsoft Translator. For a list of source and ' u'target language codes, see help for \x02{0} ' u'languages\x02. If not given, they default to ' u'automatic detection and \x02{1}\x02, respectively.' .format(msg.subaction, default_target(msg)))