Source code for

# -*- test-case-name:
"""Event plugins for providing command help."""

from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue

from ...message import MessageType, collapse
from ...plugin import EventPlugin

[docs]class Default(EventPlugin): """Show detailed help for other commands, or list all available commands if no argument is given. :alice: help :bot: Available commands: **alpha**, **beta**, **help**. For further help, use **help** *keyword*. To redirect a command reply to another user, use *command* **>** *nick*. :alice: help alpha :bot: **alpha** *argument* - Help for command **alpha**. """ @inlineCallbacks def on_command(self, msg): args = msg.content.split(None, 1) keywords = {} for p, k in msg.settings.active_plugins().iteritems(): for keyword in k: keywords[keyword] = p if not args: returnValue(collapse("""\ Available commands: \x02{keywords}\x02. For further help, use \x02{help}\x02 \x1Fkeyword\x1F. To redirect a command reply to another user, use \x1Fcommand\x1F \x02>\x02 \x1Fnick\x1F. """.format( keywords='\x02, \x02'.join(sorted(keywords.iterkeys())), help=msg.subaction))) if args[0] in keywords: help_string = yield keywords[args[0]].respond_to(msg._replace( action=MessageType.cmdhelp, subaction=args[0], content=''.join(args[1:]))) if help_string: returnValue(u'\x02{}\x02 {}'.format(args[0], help_string)) returnValue('There is no further help available for \x02{}\x02.' .format(args[0])) returnValue('There is no command with the keyword \x02{}\x02.' .format(args[0])) def on_cmdhelp(self, msg): return collapse("""\ [\x1Fkeyword\x1F] - List available command keywords, or, given a keyword, get detailed help on a specific command. """)