Source code for

# -*- test-case-name:
"""Event plugins for Google searches."""

from collections import Iterator
import urllib

from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from twisted.web.client import readBody

from ...message import collapse
from ...plugin import EventPlugin, UserVisibleError
from ...web.html import textify
from ...web.http import default_agent, read_json_body

class SearchIterator(Iterator):
    """An iterator returnable as an Omnipresence reply that fetches new
    Google result pages on demand."""

    endpoint_uri = ''

    def __init__(self, agent, num, key, cx, q):
        self.agent = agent
        self.num = num
        self.key = key = cx
        self.q = q
        self.items = []
        self.start = 1
        self.total_results = NotImplemented

    def format_item(item):
        # Google inserts random newlines into HTML snippets that serve
        # no purpose and in fact appear where whitespace shouldn't be.
        snippet = item['htmlSnippet'].replace('\n', '')
        return u'{} \u2014 \x02{}\x02: {}'.format(
            item['link'], item['title'], textify(snippet))

    def next(self):
        if self.items:
            self.total_results -= 1
        if self.start is None:
            # We can't use StopIteration because that gets eaten by
            # inlineCallbacks, so instead we just return None.
        query_string = urllib.urlencode([
            ('key', self.key),
            ('q', self.q),
            ('num', self.num),
            ('start', self.start)])
        response = yield self.agent.request(
            'GET', '{}?{}'.format(self.endpoint_uri, query_string))
        data = yield read_json_body(response)
        if 'error' in data:
            raise UserVisibleError('Google API error: ' +
        self.items = data.get('items')
        if not self.items:
            self.start = None
        if self.start == 1:
            self.total_results = int(data['searchInformation']['totalResults'])
        if 'nextPage' in data['queries']:
            self.start = data['queries']['nextPage'][0]['startIndex']
            # The API will, bafflingly, return the last result if you
            # give it a start offset past the end of known results.
            self.start = None
        self.total_results -= 1

    def __length_hint__(self):
        return self.total_results

[docs]class Default(EventPlugin): u"""Perform a Google Web search. The ``google.key`` and ```` :ref:`settings variables <settings-variable>` must be set to valid Google Custom Search API credentials. For more information on setting up a Custom Search account, see the Stack Overflow topic `"What are the alternatives now that the Google web search API has been deprecated?"`__ __ :alice: google far-out son of lung :bot: \u2014 FSOL - Far Out Son Of Lung - YouTube: Aug 19, 2006 ... Far Out Son Of Lung And The Ramblings Of A Madman. (+886999 more) """ def __init__(self): self.agent = default_agent self.num = 10 # number of results to request at each fetch def on_command(self, msg): if not msg.content: raise UserVisibleError('Please specify a search query.') return SearchIterator(self.agent, self.num, msg.settings.get('google.key'), msg.settings.get(''), msg.content) def on_cmdhelp(self, msg): return collapse("""\ \x1Fquery\x1F - Search Google using the given query. """)