Source code for omnipresence.plugins.geonames

# -*- coding: utf-8
# -*- test-case-name: omnipresence.plugins.geonames.test_geonames
"""Event plugins for `GeoNames`__ services.


The ``geonames.username`` :ref:`settings variable <settings-variable>`
must be set to a valid GeoNames API username for them to function.

from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
    import pytz
except ImportError:
    pytz = None
import urllib

from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue

from ...humanize import ago
from ...message import collapse
from ...plugin import EventPlugin, UserVisibleError
from ...web.http import default_agent, read_json_body

class Location(namedtuple('Location', ['name', 'lat', 'lng'])):
    """A container for a location's name, latitude, and longitude."""

    def __str__(self):
        # The GeoNames API occasionally returns strings instead of
        # numeric values in its JSON output.
            lat, lng = float(, float(self.lng)
        except ValueError:
            return u'{} ({}, {})'.format(,, self.lng)
        return u'{} ({:.2f}, {:.2f})'.format(, lat, lng)

class GeoNamesMixin(object):
    """A mixin for plugins that query the GeoNames API."""

    endpoint_uri = ''

    def __init__(self):
        self.agent = default_agent
        #: Time provider that can be stubbed out for unit tests, given
        #: that time is being computed locally as with tzdata requests.
        self.utcnow = datetime.utcnow

    def request(self, action, params, username):
        """Make a request to the GeoNames API."""
        return self.agent.request('GET', '{}{}?{}&username={}'.format(
            self.endpoint_uri, action, urllib.urlencode(params), username))

    def geocode(self, query, username):
        """Return a `Deferred` yielding a `Location` object for the
        string *query*, or raise `UserVisibleError` if no matches could
        be found."""
        params = [('maxRows', 1), ('style', 'FULL'), ('q', query)]
        response = yield self.request('searchJSON', params, username)
        data = yield read_json_body(response)
        if not data.get('geonames'):
            raise UserVisibleError(u"Couldn't find the location {}."
        details = data['geonames'][0]
        canonical = filter(None, [details.get('name'),
            u', '.join(canonical), details['lat'], details['lng']))

[docs]class Time(GeoNamesMixin, EventPlugin): """Look up the current time in a world location. :brian: time beijing :bot: Beijing, Beijing, China (39.91, 116.40): 2015-08-14 11:10 If `pytz`__ is installed, case-sensitive tz database names are also supported. __ :alice: time UTC :bot: UTC (tz database): 2015-08-14 03:10 """ def __init__(self): super(Time, self).__init__() @inlineCallbacks def on_command(self, msg): if not msg.content: raise UserVisibleError('Please specify a location.') if pytz and msg.content in pytz.all_timezones: time = (self.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) .astimezone(pytz.timezone(msg.content)) .strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')) returnValue(u'{} (tz database): {}'.format(msg.content, time)) username = msg.settings.get('geonames.username') location = yield self.geocode(msg.content, username) params = zip(['lat', 'lng'], location[1:]) response = yield self.request('timezoneJSON', params, username) data = yield read_json_body(response) if 'time' not in data: raise UserVisibleError(u'There is no time information for {}.' .format(location)) returnValue(u'{}: {}'.format(location, data['time'])) def on_cmdhelp(self, msg): return collapse("""\ \x1Flocation\x1F - Look up the current date and time in a given location using GeoNames <>. Case-sensitive tz database names are also supported. """)
[docs]class Weather(GeoNamesMixin, EventPlugin): """Look up weather conditions in a world location. :brian: weather london :bot: London, England, United Kingdom (51.51, -0.13): 19.0°C/66.2°F, broken clouds, 93% humidity from London City Airport (EGLC) as of 26 minutes ago """ @inlineCallbacks def on_command(self, msg): if not msg.content: raise UserVisibleError('Please specify a location.') username = msg.settings.get('geonames.username') location = yield self.geocode(msg.content, username) params = zip(['lat', 'lng'], location[1:]) response = yield self.request('findNearByWeatherJSON', params, username) data = yield read_json_body(response) if 'weatherObservation' not in data: raise UserVisibleError(u'There is no weather information for {}.' .format(location)) observation = data['weatherObservation'] temp = float(observation['temperature']) weather = u'{:.1f}°C/{:.1f}°F'.format(temp, temp * 1.8 + 32) if observation.get('weatherCondition', 'n/a') != 'n/a': weather += u', ' + observation['weatherCondition'].strip() if observation.get('clouds', 'n/a') != 'n/a': weather += u', ' + observation['clouds'].strip() wind_speed = int(observation.get('windSpeed', 0)) if 'windDirection' in observation and wind_speed: weather += (u', winds from {}° at {} kt'.format( observation['windDirection'], wind_speed)) weather += u', {0}% humidity'.format(observation['humidity']) try: dt = ago(datetime.strptime(observation['datetime'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), self.utcnow()) except ValueError: dt = observation['datetime'] + u' UTC' returnValue(u'{}: {} from {} ({}) as of {}'.format( location, weather, observation['stationName'], observation['ICAO'], dt)) def on_cmdhelp(self, msg): return collapse("""\ \x1Flocation\x1F - Look up the current weather conditions in a given location using GeoNames <>. """)