Source code for omnipresence.plugin

# -*- test-case-name: omnipresence.test.test_plugin
"""Omnipresence event plugin framework."""

# A brief digression on why event plugins aren't Twisted plugins:
# - Twisted's plugin discovery is designed to find and import every
#   plugin found under the target package.  Such behavior is perfectly
#   reasonable when you really *are* looking for as many plugins as
#   possible, but not so much when you have explicit instructions from
#   the user on what plugins to enable.
# - Twisted handles import errors encountered during discovery by just
#   logging them and moving on.  It's not possible to implement more
#   sophisticated error handling without reimplementing large parts of
#   the plugin library.
# - The Twisted plugin API is far too Java-like for a Python library.
#   Plugin classes are expected to implement a zope.interface and are
#   instantiated exactly once.

import importlib

from twisted.internet.defer import maybeDeferred, succeed
from twisted.logger import Logger

#: The root package name to use for relative plugin module searches.
PLUGIN_ROOT = 'omnipresence.plugins'

class EventPluginMeta(type):
    """`~.EventPlugin`'s metaclass, used for name lookups."""

    def name(cls):
        """Return the configuration name of this plugin's class."""
        if cls.__name__ == 'Default':
            return cls.__module__
        return '{0.__module__}/{0.__name__}'.format(cls)

[docs]class EventPlugin(object): """A container for callbacks that Omnipresence fires when IRC messages are received.""" __metaclass__ = EventPluginMeta log = Logger() def respond_to(self, msg): """Start any callback this plugin defines for *msg*. Return a `Deferred` yielding its return value, or `None` if no callback exists for this message.""" callback_name = 'on_' + if not hasattr(self, callback_name): return succeed(None) callback = getattr(self, callback_name) if msg.outgoing and not getattr(callback, 'outgoing', False): return succeed(None) self.log.debug('Passing message {msg} to {plugin} callback {name}', msg=msg, plugin=type(self).name, name=callback_name) return maybeDeferred(callback, msg)
[docs]class SubcommandEventPlugin(EventPlugin): """A base class for command plugins that invoke subcommands given in the first argument by invoking one of the following methods: #. ``on_empty_subcommand(msg)``, if no arguments are present. The default implementation raises a `UserVisibleError` asking the user to provide a valid subcommand. #. ``on_subcommand_KEYWORD(msg, remaining_args)``, if such a method exists. #. Otherwise, ``on_invalid_subcommand(msg, keyword, remaining_args)``, which by default raises an "unrecognized command" `UserVisibleError`. ``on_cmdhelp`` is similarly delegated to ``on_subcmdhelp`` methods: #. ``on_empty_subcmdhelp(msg)``, if no arguments are present. The default implementation lists all available subcommands. #. ``on_subcmdhelp_KEYWORD(msg)``, if such a method exists. #. Otherwise, ``on_invalid_subcmdhelp(msg, keyword)``, which by default simply calls ``on_empty_subcmdhelp``. As with ``on_cmdhelp``, the subcommand keyword is automatically added to the help string, after the containing command's keyword and before the rest of the string. """ @property def _subcommands(self): return sorted(name[14:] for name in dir(self) if name.startswith('on_subcommand_')) def on_command(self, msg): args = msg.content.split(None, 1) if args: callback_name = 'on_subcommand_' + args[0] subargs = '' if len(args) < 2 else args[1] if hasattr(self, callback_name): return getattr(self, callback_name)(msg, subargs) return self.on_invalid_subcommand(msg, args[0], subargs) return self.on_empty_subcommand(msg) def on_cmdhelp(self, msg): if not msg.content: return self.on_empty_subcmdhelp(msg) callback_name = 'on_subcmdhelp_' + msg.content if hasattr(self, callback_name): return '\x02{}\x02 {}'.format( msg.content, getattr(self, callback_name)(msg)) return self.on_invalid_subcmdhelp(msg, msg.content) def on_empty_subcommand(self, msg): raise UserVisibleError( 'Please provide a subcommand: \x02{}\x02.' .format('\x02, \x02'.join(self._subcommands))) def on_empty_subcmdhelp(self, msg): return '\x02{}\x02'.format('\x02|\x02'.join(self._subcommands)) def on_invalid_subcommand(self, msg, keyword, args): raise UserVisibleError( 'Unrecognized subcommand \x02{}\x02. Valid subcommands: ' '\x02{}\x02.'.format( keyword, '\x02, \x02'.join(self._subcommands))) def on_invalid_subcmdhelp(self, msg, keyword): return self.on_empty_subcmdhelp(msg)
def plugin_class_by_name(name): """Return an event plugin class given the *name* used to refer to it in an Omnipresence configuration file.""" module_name, _, member_name = name.partition('/') if not member_name: member_name = 'Default' module = importlib.import_module(module_name, package=PLUGIN_ROOT) member = getattr(module, member_name) if not issubclass(member, EventPlugin): raise TypeError('{} is {}, not EventPlugin subclass'.format( name, type(member).__name__)) return member
[docs]class UserVisibleError(Exception): """Raise this inside a command callback if you need to return an error message to the user, regardless of whether or not the ``show_errors`` configuration option is enabled. Errors are always given as replies to the invoking user, even if command redirection is requested."""