Source code for omnipresence.message.formatting

# -*- test-case-name: omnipresence.test.test_formatting -*-
"""Operations on mIRC-style message formatting."""

import re

#: A regex matching mIRC-style formatting control codes.
# <>
# <>
CONTROL_CODES = re.compile(r"""
    \x02 |             # Bold
    \x03(?:            # Color
      ([0-9]{1,2})(?:  # Optional foreground number (from 0 or 00 to 99)
        ,([0-9]{1,2})  # Optional background number (from 0 or 00 to 99)
    )? |
    \x0F |             # Normal (revert to default formatting)
    \x16 |             # Reverse video (sometimes rendered as italics)
    \x1F               # Underline
    """, re.VERBOSE)

[docs]def remove_formatting(string): """Return *string* with mIRC-style formatting control codes removed. """ return CONTROL_CODES.sub('', string)
[docs]def unclosed_formatting(string): """Return a `frozenset` containing any mIRC-style formatting codes that remain in effect at the end of *string*.""" fg = bg = '' bold = reverse = underline = False # ^O resets everything, so we split on it and only operate on the # portion of the string that is beyond the rightmost occurrence. for match in CONTROL_CODES.finditer(string.rsplit('\x0F')[-1]): code = if code.startswith('\x03'): if code == '\x03': # No color codes were specified. Reset everything. fg = bg = '' else: fg = or fg bg = or bg elif code == '\x02': bold = not bold elif code == '\x16': reverse = not reverse elif code == '\x1F': # pragma: no branch underline = not underline # Thankfully, we don't have to keep track of proper nesting. open_codes = [] if fg or bg: open_codes.append('\x03' + fg + (',' + bg if bg else '')) if bold: open_codes.append('\x02') if reverse: open_codes.append('\x16') if underline: open_codes.append('\x1F') return frozenset(open_codes)