Source code for omnipresence.humanize

# -*- test-case-name: omnipresence.test.test_humanize
"""Functions for presenting data in human-readable forms."""

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import re

[docs]def ago(then, now=None): """Given a `~datetime.datetime` object, return an English string giving an approximate relative time, such as "5 days ago".""" if not now: # then when? now = delta = now - then if delta.days == 0: if delta.seconds < 10: return 'just now' if delta.seconds < 60: return '{} seconds ago'.format(delta.seconds) if delta.seconds < 120: return 'a minute ago' if delta.seconds < 3600: return '{} minutes ago'.format(delta.seconds / 60) if delta.seconds < 7200: return 'an hour ago' return '{} hours ago'.format(delta.seconds / 3600) if delta.days == 1: return 'yesterday' if delta.days < 7: return '{} days ago'.format(delta.days) if delta.days < 14: return 'a week ago' return '{} weeks ago'.format(delta.days / 7)
[docs]def andify(seq, two_comma=False): """Join the elements of a sequence and return a string of the form "*x* and *y*" for a two-element list, or "*x*, *y*, and *z*" for three or more elements. If *two_comma* is True, insert a comma before "and" even if the list is only two elements long ("*x*, and *y*").""" if len(seq) > 2: return ', '.join(seq[:-2] + [', and '.join(seq[-2:])]) if two_comma: return ', and '.join(seq) return ' and '.join(seq)
DURATION_RE = re.compile( r'^(?:(\d+)w)?(?:(\d+)d)?(?:(\d+)h)?(?:(\d+)m)?(?:(\d+)s)?$', re.IGNORECASE) DURATION_GROUPS = ['weeks', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds']
[docs]def duration_to_timedelta(duration): """Convert a duration string of the form "_w_d_h_m_s" into a `~datetime.timedelta` object.""" match = DURATION_RE.match(duration) if match is None: return timedelta() kwargs = dict(((DURATION_GROUPS[i], int(value, 10)) for (i, value) in enumerate(match.groups('0')))) return timedelta(**kwargs)
[docs]def readable_duration(duration): """Convert a duration string of the form "_w_d_h_m_s" to a plain English representation such as "2 weeks, 5 days, and 20 hours".""" match = DURATION_RE.match(duration) if match is None: return 'instant' components = [] for i, value in enumerate(match.groups()): if not value: continue unit = DURATION_GROUPS[i] value = int(value, 10) if value == 1: # Thankfully, all of these words are simple plurals. if components: # Add the value: "2 weeks, 1 day, 3 hours". component = '1 {}'.format(unit[:-1]) else: # Skip the value: "past day" instead of "past 1 day". component = unit[:-1] else: component = '{} {}'.format(value, unit) components.append(component) return andify(components)