Source code for omnipresence.web

# -*- test-case-name: omnipresence.test.test_web -*-
"""Utility methods for retrieving and manipulating data from Web resources."""

    import cStringIO as StringIO
except ImportError:
    import StringIO
import sys
import urllib

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString, Tag
from twisted.internet import defer, protocol, reactor
from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
from twisted.python import failure
from twisted.web.client import (Agent, ContentDecoderAgent,
                                RedirectAgent, GzipDecoder,
from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
from zope.interface import implements

from omnipresence import VERSION_NUM
from omnipresence.iomnipresence import ICommand

# Constants

USER_AGENT = ('Omnipresence/{0} (+bot; '
              '' \

# HTTP request machinery

class BufferSizeExceededError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, actual_size, buffer_size):
        self.actual_size = actual_size
        self.buffer_size = buffer_size

    def __str__(self):
        return 'tried to read {0} bytes into {1}-byte buffer'.format(

class ResponseBuffer(protocol.Protocol):
    def __init__(self, response, finished, max_bytes=sys.maxsize):
        self.buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
        self.response = response
        self.finished = finished
        self.remaining = self.max_bytes = max_bytes

    def dataReceived(self, bytes):
        if self.remaining - len(bytes) < 0:
            failure_ = failure.Failure(BufferSizeExceededError(
                self.max_bytes - self.remaining + len(bytes),
            self.finished.errback(ResponseFailed([failure_], self.response))

        self.remaining -= len(bytes)

    def connectionLost(self, reason):

agent = ContentDecoderAgent(RedirectAgent(Agent(reactor)),
                            [('gzip', GzipDecoder)])

def transform_response(response, **kwargs):
    """Return an httplib2-style ``(headers, content)`` tuple from the
    given Twisted Web response."""
    headers = dict((k, v[0]) for k, v in response.headers.getAllRawHeaders())
    # Add the ultimately requested URL as a custom X-header.
    headers['X-Omni-Location'] = response.request.absoluteURI
    # Calling deliverBody causes the response's Content-Length header to
    # be overwritten with how much of the body was actually delivered.
    # In some cases, the original value is needed, so we store it in a
    # custom X-header field.
    headers['X-Omni-Length'] = str(response.length)
    d = defer.Deferred()
    response.deliverBody(ResponseBuffer(response, d, **kwargs))
    d.addCallback(lambda content: (headers, content))
    return d

[docs]def request(*args, **kwargs): """Make an HTTP request, and return a Deferred that will yield an httplib2-style ``(headers, content)`` tuple to its callback. Arguments are as for a request to a typical Twisted Web agent, with the addition of one keyword argument, *max_bytes*, that specifies the maximum number of bytes to fetch from the desired resource. If no ``User-Agent`` header is specified, one is added before making the request. Two custom headers are returned in the response, in addition to any set by the HTTP server: ``X-Omni-Location`` contains the final location of the request resource after following all redirects, and ``X-Omni-Length`` contains the original value of the response's ``Content-Length`` header, which Twisted may overwrite if the actual response exceeds *max_bytes* in size.""" kwargs.setdefault('headers', Headers()) if not kwargs['headers'].hasHeader('User-Agent'): kwargs['headers'].addRawHeader('User-Agent', USER_AGENT) transform_kwargs = {} if 'max_bytes' in kwargs: transform_kwargs['max_bytes'] = kwargs.pop('max_bytes') d = agent.request(*args, **kwargs) d.addCallback(transform_response, **transform_kwargs) return d # # HTML handling methods #
[docs]def decode_html_entities(s): """Convert HTML entities in a string to their Unicode character equivalents. This method is equivalent to:: textify_html(s, format_output=False) .. deprecated:: 2.2 Use :py:func:`textify_html` instead. """ return textify_html(s, format_output=False)
[docs]def textify_html(html, format_output=True): """Convert the contents of *html* to a Unicode string. *html* can be either a string containing HTML markup, or a Beautiful Soup tag object. If *format_output* is ``True``, IRC formatting codes are added to simulate common element styles.""" if isinstance(html, BeautifulSoup) or isinstance(html, Tag): soup = html else: soup = BeautifulSoup(html) def handle_soup(soup, format_output): if format_output: # Grab the node's tag name, and change the format if necessary. if in (u'b', u'strong'): fmt = u'\x02{0}\x02' elif in (u'i', u'u', u'em', u'cite', u'var'): fmt = u'\x16{0}\x16' elif == u'sup': fmt = u'^{0}' elif == u'sub': fmt = u'_{0}' else: fmt = u'{0}' # Recurse into the node's contents. contents = u'' for k in soup.contents: if isinstance(k, NavigableString): contents += unicode(k) elif hasattr(k, 'name'): # is another soup element contents += handle_soup(k, format_output) return fmt.format(contents) else: return u''.join(soup.strings) # Don't strip whitespace until the very end, in order to avoid # misparsing constructs like <span>hello<b> world</b></span>. return u' '.join(handle_soup(soup, format_output).split()).strip() # # Plugin utility classes #
[docs]class WebCommand(object): """A utility class for writing command plugins that make a single HTTP GET request and do something with the response. Subclasses should define a :py:attr:`url` property containing the string ``%s``, and implement the :py:meth:`.reply` method. When the command is invoked, ``%s`` is substituted with the command's literal argument string, and a deferred request to the resulting URL is made with :py:meth:`.reply` as its success callback. An optional property :py:attr:`arg_type` can be used to indicate the type of argument that your custom command expects. This is used to provide a usage message should no arguments be given; for example, setting :py:attr:`arg_type` to ``'a search term'`` sets the usage message to "Please specify a search term." The default value is ``'an argument string'``. """ implements(IPlugin, ICommand) arg_type = 'an argument string' url = None def execute(self, bot, prefix, reply_target, channel, args): args = args.split(None, 1) if len(args) < 2: bot.reply(prefix, channel, 'Please specify {0}.'.format(self.arg_type)) return if self.url is None: raise NotImplementedError('no URL provided for WebCommand') d = request('GET', self.url % urllib.quote(args[1])) d.addCallback(self.reply, bot, prefix, reply_target, channel, args) return d
[docs] def reply(self, response, bot, prefix, reply_target, channel, args): """Implement this method in your command subclass. The *response* argument will contain a ``(headers, content)`` response tuple as returned by :py:func:`~omnipresence.web.request`. The other arguments are as passed in to :py:meth:`ICommand.execute`. """ raise NotImplementedError('no reply method provided for WebCommand')